Commercial Loans
A commercial loan is a way of describing any arrangement between a lender and a business. If your business needs money then a commercial loan may be a great option. You can use the loan for many purposes for your business such as buying a new vehicle, hiring staff or as a bridging loan. You can often use assets of the business as security if needed.
At Look4Mortgages, we have access to brokers with unrivalled knowledge in property and development, unsecured lending and bridging finance sectors so we have an expert in all commercial arenas on hand and ready to deliver whatever you and your business needs.
Commercial loans done via referral to a third party.
Neither Look 4 Mortgages nor PRIMIS are responsible for the service provided.
We have specialists with extensive knowledge in the following areas
Bridging Loans
A bridging loan is a short-term loan used to bridge the gap between two properties
Unsecured Business Loans
An unsecured business loan provides your business with upfront capital without requiring security
Development Finance
Development finance can be used to finance both the land purchase, and also the build costs
Commercial Mortgages
A commercial mortgage is any loan secured on property which is not your residence
Invoice Finance
Invoice finance is a way of borrowing money based on what your customers owe to your business
Asset Finance
Asset finance is a type of lending that gives you access to business assets such as equipment, machinery and vehicles, or enables you to release cash
Business Protection Insurances
Business protection insurance protects a company financially when its owners or employees are affected by illness or death
To find out more about how we can help your business through a commercial loan, please fill in the details below and one of our advisors will get in touch with you.